Wow, it's been awhile.
Oddly enough, I've accomplished several tasks without even knowing!
I can cross off -
Get a massage - I got one for Christmas and had it on 12/31. I also had a pedicure :)
Fix something by myself - I've fixed the electricity twice in the past month or so. Granted, by "fix" once I switched a breaker (and DH was on the phone, but I did figure it out by myself!) and once was by calling the power company. But hey - I did it!
Become more proficient at sewing - I made a robe for my dad for Christmas, as well as a robe for my nephew, several camera strap covers and some other things. I'm getting pretty good. I can't follow a pattern that well yet, but I've got most of the rest down, I think! This one is going to be a work in progress for always, I think.
Go strawberry or apple picking - we went to Carter's Mountain Orchard in October and picked apples and pumpkins :) We're going back in the spring to pick strawberries :D I can't wait! I actually also entered this pic in a contest the Orchard had. I won an honorable mention, but I'm not sure if I want to count this as my "legit" contest, since it was just on FB. Although, I didn't ask for votes from friends at all! If I had thought of that, I possibly could have won..ooops.
Switch to cloth wipes for kids - We switched.. gosh.. a couple months ago. I love using them! I need to get a spray bottle to keep water on the changing table so we don't have to get tehm wet in the sink, but other than that, no problems! I haven't bought wipes in forever! (I had a nice big stockpile before we switched.. it's probably seriously been a year since I bought wipes).
Visit Disney World with the family is in progress. Our dates are booked June 24 - July 9. YES TWO whole weeks in Florida :D I'm either going to be in Heaven or Hell, depending :P Cast of characters will be : My mom & dad, My nana (mom's mom), Phyllis (my godmother), Beth my sister and her DS, Brandon, Doug, Olliver, Emory and myself. Yes, all of us.
Recycle more - again, in progress. We recycled a ton of paper board after Christmas along with our plastic and aluminum. DH has also started recycling some glass. The hardest part is finding somewhere to keep all this before we go to the recycling center.
Make hard candy - Julie and I made a ton of it for Christmas! When I planned that, I totally had forgotten it was on my list!
Go me!